Discover a new way of creating beautiful and realistic flowers in your illustrations with our guide. Learn the latest techniques and tools for creating stunning flower illustrations that capture the beauty and essence of nature.
Choose a colour and use stroke instead of fill.
Make an elongated oval.
Choose the Rotate tool.
Rotate the oval and then click on the Alt and Shift keys to duplicate.
Hold the Control key down and hit the D key twice.
Change the Stroke to Fill.
Make a new gradient and then drop that gradient chip to the swatches palette.
Apply to all the pieces.
Select all the pieces and pick the Pucker tool.
Double click the tool and set Simplify to 18.57.
Set the tool exactly in the centre to make it a bit larger than the actual pieces. Quickly click once to make the change.
Open Symbols and drag the flower into it.
Double click the symbol and name it.
Drag the symbol back to the work area. Using the Break Link attribute edit the flower.
Open all the options by clicking and holding and then clicking on the right-hand end.
Choose the Warp tool to use on the new flower.
Select another flower symbol and break the link. Then use the Twirl tool to achieve this flower.
Use the Bloat tool and touch the parts of the flower to create this look.
The flower should look like this if you use the Scallop tool.
With the Crystallize tool touch the edges of this flower.
Here, the Wrinkle tool is used.