A wow!! cover letter is not a guarantee of success at the publisher’s office or in the marketplace. But without a great cover letter, your book proposal is almost certainly doomed for rejection by the publisher. Just like those of thousands of children’s writers every year.
So after you have written the best book you can, present it in the best way possible when you send it out to the publisher. A killer sales pitch is sure to the land you a positive response here. That has been the key to success for many published writers of today.
When it comes to decoding a perfect cover letter, you will realize that it is hardly rocket science. Just follow these simple rules for a winning hand.
Begin with ….
Begin the synopsis with a few lines that stays true to the essence of your book. Let this be a concise statement about your book in a few sentences.
Then move into a brief summary that contains a bit more details of your work. In case your book is more than a picture book, include a brief outline of your plot as well as the main characters. The publishers need to know what type of book you have written and whether it fits into their scheme of things.
Once you have interested the publisher in your work, you now need to present your book as a marketable product. So, give the following details:
- The title of the book (or representative titles)
- The genre of the book
- The word count of the book
- The target audience
- The date of completion of the book
- The statistics which indicate your potential markets
- The details of your web presence (if you have a strong web presence)
- The marketing plan for your book (if you have a concrete one).
And then…..
A loose outline of the plot that includes the main characters and the conflicts they face. Do not over-write, keep it short and sweet.
For marketing purposes, a writer is just as important to the process as the book. So give a brief biography that contains all relevant details, including previously published books and awards you have won(if any). The bio should reveal the person behind the words. But without any exaggeration or irrelevant details. Conclude with a word of thanks to the publisher for taking time to peruse your work.
Good Luck and Happy hunting!