Children’s writers who are willing to put in adequate effort and time into their venture and are willing take a chance by doing-it-all themselves can take this low-cost path to self-publication. If you have what it takes- street smarts, willingness to learn, clarity about your goals – you can most certainly get your book out there on a shoestring budget.
Read, Research, Learn
After you have finished with your manuscript, the finished product still needs a lot of work before it is reader-ready. It needs illustration, editing, copywriting, formatting, packaging, marketing. All these aspects are crucial to a professional-looking book that stands a chance in the market. Invest in learning about all these aspects of the process. Google and search online and offline for resources. Ask for help from professionals you may know. Or trade services with other writers in the areas where you are deficient.
Hang Out with Indie Writers
There are numerous sites and blogs by indie writers as well as self-publishing authors. A lot of these writings provide a wealth of information for novice self-publishers. They are also very generous in sharing their experience. This is incredibly useful for a novice writer wanting to self-publish her first book and trying to learn the trade.
Actual Costs
Illustration: $ 0 (Free if you DIY)
Editing, Copywriting and Formatting: $ 0 (Free if you DIY)
Website and Marketing: $ 0 (Free if you DIY)
ISBN: $100
Book Cover: Less than $100 (Buy cover art and DIY)
Printing: Free (Print on Demand)
Total Cost: $200 (Approx.)
Never Ever Compromise on…..
#1 A Smashing Manuscript
Make sure your book is the best that you can do. There is very little that can be done if the book is not well-written. A poor quality product can only go so far in the market.
#2 Attractive Illustrations
Pictures are critical to the success of a children’s book, as critical as the storyline. No matter how great the story, a poorly illustrated children’s book stands very little chance of success.
#3 A Great Book Cover
This is critical to selling books. This is the first thing your young readers see and is also on display on blogs, reviews and marketing sites.
#4 A Marketing Plan
Unless you have a plan to connect the potential readers to your book, your book with probably be gathering virtual dust online or real dust in your garage! Estimate the number of books that have to be sold for you to recuperate your investment. This should be the primary goal of your marketing plan.
Happy writing and good luck with your venture.