Learn how to create a sleek and modern float circle icon in Adobe Illustrator with this step-by-step tutorial. Master the use of shapes, gradients, and effects to create a polished and professional design.
Step 1
Create a new document. Use the Ellipse tool (L). Draw a perfect circle by holding the Shift key. Fill the circle with 2ca148 colour.
Step 2
Now you have to draw another circle smaller in size (pixels). Use the colour 2da249.
Step 3
Now you have to draw a third circle a few pixels smaller. Apply a Liner Gradient Fill of dark blue to light blue and set the angle to -90.
So far it has been easy. Now you have to create hallow shapes using Pathfinder which is a bit tricky.
Step 4
Make a white circle and another smaller circle in black at the centre.
Step 5
Now you have to select both circles. Choose the white circle and then hold the Shift key and select the black circle. When making the selection, go to pathfinder panel (SHIFT+CTRL+F9) and click on the Subtract form shape area icon.
Step 6
Now you are familiar with creating hallows circles. So go on to create a few more as we have done earlier. Create a small hollow circle.
Create another hallow circle in white that will come next to the circle in the centre (see the image below).
Draw one whiter hallow circle. Now the image looks floaty.
Step 7
Now we have to create a rectangle. Use the Rectangle tool (M) and make a rectangle using the colour orange F8A73B. Make 4 copies of the triangle.
We have to align each of the triangles at each end of the circle. Make use of guides to get the perfect alignment.
Step 8
For creating a glassy transparent effect, we will follow the technique for making hallow shapes (see Step 5). In the example given below; I have only used bigger circles.
Step 9
Go to the Transparency panel (SHIFT+CRTL+F10) and adjust the Opacity to 23.
Step 10
You need to create a shadow for the image. For this, pick the Ellipse tool. Create a black oval shape and place it at the bottom of the circle.
Step 11
To adjust the oval shape, choose the Delete anchor point tool (-). Delete the bottom point.
Step 12
To blur the oval shape, navigate to Effect>Blur> Gaussian Blur and set it to 4.8. After entering the value right click on Arrange >Send to Back.
Final image