Let us see how we can make a bevelled star in Illustrator in 7 or less than 7 steps.
Step 1:
Create a vertical path
Step 2:
Select the path. Navigate to Effect>Transform. Enter Rotate Angle value as 36° and Copies as 4. Click OK
Step 3:
Move to Object>Expand Appearance. By performing this action, you will get 5 paths, grouped.
Step 4:
Draw a star. Hold down Shift and Option to constrain it to a right-side-up, 5-pointed star.
Step 5:
Align the star in centre and the line group horizontally. Move the star up or down so that each line bisects the star’s points.
Step 6:
Choose the star and the lines and move to Pathfinder>Divide.
Step 7:
Using the Live paint bucket gives colour to every shape for the bevelled look.
This is the final result.