Express Yourself in Any Form You Like

Express Yourself in Any Form You Like

Have you heard about the painter Ad Reinhardt? Centuries ago, this painter declared that the pictures he made on black-on-black canvases “last pictures which anyone can make.” Many of the critics agreed with him and said that his masterpieces would make a mark on history. Unfortunately, this did not happen. After him came many artists who were as talented as Ad Reinhardt was. Art continued its journey.

From the day when the deadline for doomsday was pronounced, modern art also closely resembled the doomsday cult. The hardcore believers of doomsday woke up one day and found that the sun had come up and the prophet how prophesied the world’s end had also disappeared.  They realized that they all need to search for something to do to move on in their life. This unpleasant situation is now known as Postmodernism.

The Basic terms which are related to Art and Postmodernism

Let’s have a look at some of the basic terms related to art and postmodernism. If you are an artist, it will be easy for you to understand since you are familiar with these terms. I have explained the terms in a simple and understandable manner so that the common readers can also get a grasp of the terms.

Modern Art:

In future, the term ‘modern’ will be dated as something similar to the term “Baroque” or “Romanesque”. Modern art will denote “the kind of art they did in the twentieth century.”


It was a movement initiated by Picasso and Braque to differentiate their work of art from what Cézanne did. It is the critics who named this movement Cubism. It is modern art; it is necessary to name any art movement. So far, Cubism has been the most important art movement in modern art, for the same reason that John D is still the well-known Rockefeller in the family. All the related activities regarding movements that happened after Cubism were similar to it or close to it but not beyond it. Since they didn’t make any impact, you can easily forget about them.


A movement idolized by intellectuals. It was started with the intention of replacing traditional forms of art with the modern world of technology, swiftness, hostility, and public relations. This movement proves that we should be cautious of what intellectuals wish for because ultimately, we understand it in the sense they intended.


The artists who belonged to this category were ironists. The artist these ironists followed was Marcel Duchamp and his most famous masterpiece – urinal.  Duchamp ruined his life playing chess. He alleged that he was expressing an art statement. Dada artists are off the hook from the general rule which states that ironists possess the biggest victims of their own irony.


This is a very primitive term. Formerly, this was an art movement which cannot be distinguished from day-to-day life.

Abstract Expressionism:

With the end of the Second World War, the world saw the United States emerging as a superpower. Many of the American companies that did regional businesses become large international corporations. They attained world-class status in the minimal amount of time and adopted abstract names. There was no piece of art at that time that could fit in these corporate organizations. This is when Abstract Expressionism emerged as a way of decorating the interior.

Pop Art:

Rich people belonging to aristocratic society love to spend a huge amount of money with exquisite paintings on their walls. Years later, you can see imitations of the same paintings on calendars. But in democratic society things work in a different way. Here, art is everywhere. You can even find it on the cover of a matchbook. Then, the same art will as expensive imitations after a few years.

New Wave Art:

It was in the eighties that the New Wave Art’s rage began. Now, it can only be seen in museums. If you see an art in a black-and-pink frame that’s New Wave Art.

Graffiti Art:

It is quite common that many people like to decorate their walls with designer graffiti. Even though, most of the people would prefer to rub off the graffiti from their walls. But on a personal note, I would say that it is a different way of expressing yourself in a thrilling way.


Presently, a value is provided for realistic paintings based on the craftsmanship of the artists. In the future when art comes in the form of packaged software, then realism art will lose its importance.

Commercial Art:

It is done purely for commercial gain. You can say that it is delivered to the concerned person by stapling a bill on the outside.

Fine Art:

Fine art is just the opposite to commercial art. In the case of commercial art, you will think how much you can get from your work whereas it’s just opposite regarding fine art.


These days, at every corner you can see an artist. People around the world who express their feelings through different mediums are all artists. If all these people are artists, then why are illustrators kept aside?  Why are they treated as outsiders? They too express feelings through their illustrations.

Victim Art:

Norman Rockwell said “if a picture is going badly, put a dog in it. If it is going really bad, put a bandage on the dog’s paw.” The very basic concept behind victim art.

Tattoo Art:

Personally, I don’t approve of tattoos. But I think they can bring some sort of improvement to some people, especially those who lurk around tattoo parlors.


For modern artists, style is one of the most valuable assets. This is the main reason why every year you hear about reports on styles being stolen.


Still, there are some traditional artists employed by art schools. They still proceed as painters from Ash Can School members.

The Avant-garde:

Some hundred years ago, French bohemians declared that the main intention of an artwork is to shock and astonish the middle class. This was called Avant-Garde. Back then, it would have proved to be a great idea. But it won’t work now. This is because the middle class is not paying any attention. They are busy talking about others' affairs and life.

Break the Rules:

Rules are there to be sometimes broken. In modern art, the rule which people never appreciate for modern art is a philosophy can be emphasized One of the things, not enough people appreciate about modern art is that its philosophy can be summed up as a Burger King commercial.


Rules were very important to traditional craftsmen. These rules are later rewritten by some genius minds. In modern art, this refining part is always common. Someone or the other always redefines it all the time. These changes to art might have made another Renaissance in our era. But   these changes came from egoistic minds instead of genius minds. So, postmodern art is more of a narcissistic one than a heroic kind.

Art Theory:

Some modern artists work based on art theory. The whole art created by them may be based on that theory. Some of these works display only theory instead of art. This can be seen as a sensible approach because the purpose of using these theories in art is to bring some changes or redefine the current theories of art.


Every piece of art done by an artist has an element of self-expression. It is the part that gives the work of artists its own individuality.

These are some of the few ways artists have been expressing themselves for the past few centuries till now.

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