If you are a professional and aspiring illustrator marketing could be a headache for you and an unpleasant task at that, yet it is one of the easiest tasks that you will ever do. If you decide to make it on your own rather than working for others, you should learn marketing skills. If you are serious about building a successful career in the field of illustration marketing it is the most essential way to gain more clients. Below are some tips on how to market yourself successfully in the business of illustration.
You should Create your own Strategy in Marketing
Before you begin a career in illustration you should try to develop your own marketing strategy. You can use all the facilities that today’s digital world has to offer like making a brand, creating a logo, portfolio website and social networking sites. By doing all this, you can guarantee yourself that all your efforts at marketing are concentrated and focused in the right direction that will bring you success. An active marketing strategy must be centered on the target market that you are aiming for and those who wish to hire you. If you are sure about your target audience and clients, it’s a hands-down task to concentrate on that particular area, rather than being ambiguous in your approach.
When you sit down to build up your marketing strategy, put a few questions to yourself which will help you in making a good marketing strategy. You should make a list of your ideal or prospective clients who you wish to target; at least you should list a few. When you choose them, you should be aware of why they are ideal for you. Plan on how you are going to convince them to hire you and make yourself worthy of them. Make a list that consists of your target clients. You should also have a perfect idea of your unique selling proposition and the edge that you have over other illustrators. Make an attractive portfolio showcasing your work that you can show to your target clients. If you have already worked with clients, you can make references and your service record will serve as proof for your prospective customers or clients. Even if you are a newbie and do not have these, no problem, act smart and you can effectively market yourself successfully.
Marketing materials and resources that you need
Before you begin interacting and reaching out to people and letting them know about your work, you should have materials both offline and online to which you can refer for more information when you meet people. You should mark out your budget in order to decide what and how many materials you are going to have to use for marketing.
Visual identity and a business name
You should be specific if you are going to run the business by your own name or have a separate name for your illustration business. When you come to your decision you should be consistent with it and stick with it, this will help you to build up a brand image in the future. You will also have to possess some visual identity, a logo or a photograph of yourself. This will serve as a major visual identity for your business. People will start identifying you with your visual identity, so as a professional illustrator you need to be prudent and select your icon carefully.
Portfolio Website
Portfolio websites will promote you in a big way and it is very important to possess one. You can go in for a website that is simple but professional in its appearance. You have to be careful in making a good website, a badly designed one will only ruin your chances of making it bit, so hire a web designer who is professional and build your website gorgeously.
Promote yourself on your own blog
In today’s world a blog can be a great marketing tool in your hands. As the blog is continuously updated and new content is being added on a regular basis the search engines will simply love them. It is also a wonderful way to build a community and to keep in touch with your clients. A blog can be started free of cost, but the most important thing is that it should be updated regularly and also you need to know that it should be marketed.
Print visiting cards and other promo materials
Along with your online presence you may even have to work on being present at local events. For all these purposes a business card is necessary. You have the choice to keep your visiting card simple but it should contain all the basic information that any prospective client might want to know. It should contain all your contact details, name, phone number, your website details and your unique sales proposition too.
Attend conferences and local events
If you want to be a successful illustrator you need to reach out to people and build your reputation among them. Start working at your own pace locally, try to attend conferences and networking events. You can also get in touch with your friends and relatives and let them know about your business. Who knows you could bag your first contact through this means. This may be a great way to advertise yourself among the circles that you already have and slowly and steadily you can grow your network base. This will give you the opportunity to practice in a familiar environment before you make it big in the open market.
Social network sites
Sites like Facebook and Twitter are a great way to connect with other illustrators and professionals in your field of work. You can send your updates and new illustrations that you work on easily on these sites. If people like your work, you will end up in a great fan following and this can-do wonders for your business. This will act as a support for your portfolio site too. You will need to work hard to gather enough material for your postings. You can also post your comments on the works of others and get connected with other illustrators too. In this way you can keep in touch with an active and thriving community of friends and fans online.